Three weeks ago, a friend called to see if I wanted to go pick apples
in Salem. It seems that her dad knows someone with an orchard, and was allowing
us to pick a couple of trees clean. Of course, I said, "Yes!!"
We drove over in rainy weather, but once we reached Salem, it quit. We
had lunch with her dad, and then headed to the orchard. We came armed with lots
of grocery bags and a few boxes, all transported in her dad's Vanagon Westfalia.
We each took some Asian pears, and proceeded to climb ladders at our
allotted tree to pick. In the past, I wouldn't have been able to go up and down
a ladder like we did - thank goodness for new knees!! In a very short time, we
had picked 8 or 9 bags each of apples, and a couple more of pears.
Since there is no WinCo in central Oregon, we stopped there on the way
out of Salem (it's right on the way) so I could stock up on my bubble beverage
of choice. I've been weaning myself off of diet Pepsi, but I need bubbles, so
I've switched to Talking Rain - basically carbonated water, some flavored, one
not. I still get caffeine in tea and coffee, but I'm done with the diet
Off and on since I moved here, I've delivered raw milk for the local dairy to Portland and Hood River. I've agreed to do the Hood River run every other week, in exchange for milk. I'll be able to make my own yogurt, fresh mozzarella and have cereal! I did a delivery Monday, and on the way back through the Hood River valley, I stopped and bought 66 lbs. of pears (am I a glutton for punishment, or what!!). I got about half red Bartlett pears, and half Bosc pears.
Today, I processed all the Bartlett pears - 14 pts. of Ginger and Star
Anise Pears in light syrup, and I'm processing 4 quarts of Brandied pears,
along with 1 quart of the brandy syrup, and 1 1/2 quarts of the ginger spice
My back is sore...
I will start on the Bosc pears soon, but since they're a little better
at storing (not so fragile as the Bartletts), I can wait until after the
Portland Handweaver's Guild Sale Veterans' Day weekend. I have a bunch of
dyeing to do in the meantime. Nothing like a deadline...
My apples are still sitting on the back porch, nagging me. What a great deal you got. And good for you for giving up the diet soda. I quit cold turkey August 3, 2011. (I can't tell you the exact date I quit drinking alcohol 15 years ago, though-LOL). Quitting diet soda (or any soda) was soooo hard. I was drinkin 6-7 a day sometimes. I do miss the carbonation, so I've switched to club soda. Sometimes I put a simple rhubarb syrup in it for flavor. I tried to give up caffiene at the same time, but after a few months, relapsed. I only drink a cup or two of coffee a day, so I'm not too worried. Anyway, hang in there!
All those wonderful pears! What a heap (bushel?) of work but I'm so envious of your fruity stash.
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