Monday, August 15, 2011

Why I can not be considered "normal"...

I am in the midst of moving.  As you may know, moving sucks... So, I, in an attempt to be a "responsible adult" applied for a job in Bend, for which I had an interview on Friday. It went well, other than the fact that I woke up at 2:50 am that morning and couldn't get back to sleep. I don't do sleep deprivation well.

By the time I had driven to Prineville, changed into interview clothes (which I had to buy, not having any suitable...), driving to Bend, doing the interview, driving to Madras to look at a house to rent (not suitable), and getting back to Prineville to change back into "real" clothes, I was a wreck.

I went to the Fair anyway. I had a good time, but was well and truly somnambulant by the time Correy and I got back to her place. I called about another house, which sounded good, but when they found out I had one of those evil, wicked, killer dogs (a pit bull who sleeps under the covers on the bed, loves cats, wants to lick people to death), I was declined. That was the last straw. I lost it. I'm not giving up my dog. We did watch "The Tourist," which was fun.

So Saturday morning, I got it together, and drove home with a migraine. When I got home, I did pillow-blankie-night night courtesy of oxycodone (it's prescribed, never fear - I'm not an addict).  When I got up, I called LindaLou.

I may have mentioned this before, but Linda and I are both INFP's - Introvert/Intuitive/Feeling/Perceiving, per the Meyers Briggs personality inventory. There's some very small percentage of humans that are this type.  She understands me.  So I called her about having second thoughts about the job interview (they are to call me this week for another go). She calmly asked me why I applied for the job, since I wasn't settled enough to know where I was, and why I thought I *needed* a job right away, and, basically, what was I thinking! I said that I guess I was trying to be normal, having a job, being a responsible, self-sufficient adult, to which she replied, "But you're not normal!"

Thanks, Linda, for whacking me upside the head with the cosmic 2 x 4 and getting me back on track.

I'm still kind of a wreck, but I'm going to take the rest of the week off and pack and move stuff, since the house is supposed to close on Friday and I have to be out by Monday.  Yesterday, it took me all day to do my very small bathroom... My bedroom is the stuff of nightmares, and then there's the kitchen...  I know it will all work out, but I swear, if I were a normal person, I wouldn't leave it all until the last minute.

I think the P really stands for Procrastination...


~~Sittin.n.Spinnin said...

I can so relate, I'm a three day packer, I wait until three day before I have to be gone, then start packing... well throwing things at boxes is probably a better way to put it. I love you, you introvert :)

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. I've applied for 3-4 jobs since I got laid off and of course, my first thought after I dropped off the application was "What the h-e-double toothpicks did I just do?" Take time to breathe and relax a bit.l

Susan said...

You wouldn't be nearly as much fun if you were "normal" (what Cael calls the "N" word). Sorry I missed you while you were here, but these days I forget my name half the time. See you soon!

Allison said...

ICK! What was in the bathroom?

Sharon said...

Boy, can I hear Linda's voice in that. Yup, you are Laura and you are the only Laura.

Campbell Kids said...

Just take time to enjoy your retirement if that's an option. Don't worry about not being "normal" - don't think I'm normal either - whatever that is!